Monday, January 3, 2011

Getting Back on Track...

I haven't blogged in, oh, 3 years-ish now, so I figured it's about time to pick it back up. Maybe, just maybe, there's someone out here in cyberspaceland that can understand the ramblings I have when even I don't...which can be often.

I hope to use this, too, to try to keep me more accountable for the things I'm trying to change, number one of which is to communicate better by being able to analyze things more before I just blurt them out. Some of the things I'll get to are probably going to be funny, but moreso, they're probably going to be personal.

So, if you're reading this, say hi...I like to know that someone's actually "hearing" my rants, raves, randomness, and emotional breakdowns.

To get things started, how do you guys have such pretty blogs? I need a crash course in pretty, please?

1 comment:

  1. Hey chick! I'm reading. And I get my backgrounds at You can also pay for someone to do your design. But since I rather spend my extra money on fun stuff.. I just go with the free stuff instead.
