Monday, January 3, 2011

Getting Back on Track...

I haven't blogged in, oh, 3 years-ish now, so I figured it's about time to pick it back up. Maybe, just maybe, there's someone out here in cyberspaceland that can understand the ramblings I have when even I don't...which can be often.

I hope to use this, too, to try to keep me more accountable for the things I'm trying to change, number one of which is to communicate better by being able to analyze things more before I just blurt them out. Some of the things I'll get to are probably going to be funny, but moreso, they're probably going to be personal.

So, if you're reading this, say hi...I like to know that someone's actually "hearing" my rants, raves, randomness, and emotional breakdowns.

To get things started, how do you guys have such pretty blogs? I need a crash course in pretty, please?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Intro to us...

Welcome to my ramblings! I'm Danielle. I'm 25, married to the love of my life, and mommy to 2 beautiful girls. We'll start with Em, since she's the oldest. Emma Kate was born November 3rd, 2004, weighing in at 5lbs 8 oz, and 18 inches. She spent some time in the NICU because she was a little early, but she's more than made up for it. She's got the fiery, stubborn, fearless personality, which I'm guessing is typical of a first born. She's a ball of energy that just keeps on going. She loves to dance, play barbies, and run around the back yard. This past summer, she's learned to swim without floaties, which was a huge accomplishment. Then there's Miss Abs. Abigail Grace was born February 24th, 2006, weighing in at 7lbs, 1 oz, and 18.5 inches. She's been the ying to Emma's yang. They're so opposite, it's like night and day. Abby is laid back, sweet, and hilarious. Of course, she has her stubborn streak as well, but usually charms her way out of being in trouble. They definitely keep life interesting around here! Look for my ramblings and silly stories about what they come up with that keeps up on our toes. Enjoy!